Author: Олександр Корицький

Dan Simmons. The Fall of Hyperion

A lesser light asks Ummon: What are the activities of a sramana Ummon answers: I have not the slightest idea. The dim light then says: Why haven’t you any idea? Ummon replies: I just want to keep my no-idea

Dan Simmons. The Fall of Hyperion

So, you see, in the beginning was the Word. And the Word became flesh in the cloth of human universe. But only a poet can expand the universe by paving a way to new realities, like ship with Hawking engine…

Just made a small driving trip: 1200+ km in one day to come back home, and almost 4000 km in 9 days to see the world: Frankfurt-am-Main, Germany Luxembourg Paris, France Versailles, France Disneyland, France Brussels, Belgium Gent, Belgium Rotterdam, Netherlands The Hague, Netherlands Amsterdam, Netherlands. Wait for…

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