View this post on Instagram A post shared by Oleksandr Korytskyy (@oleksandr.korytskyy) View this post on Instagram A post shared by Oleksandr Korytskyy (@oleksandr.korytskyy) View this post on Instagram A post shared by Oleksandr Korytskyy (@oleksandr.korytskyy) View this post on…
Category: Sarcasmoholics Anonymous
The Witcher knew that declarations about safety of teleport portals can be continued with a series of statements, like: “my dog does not bite”, “my son is a good boy”, “that bigos is fresh”, “I will return money the day after tomorrow at maximum”, “I spent a night with friend”, “my heart is only about the wealth of motherland”, and, finally, “you answer only several questions and we let you go immediately”.
Rule of big numbers: entropy is averaged in the end to single malt aged at least 10 years whiskey.
Couldn’t stand reposting
In the morning after holiday you should start waking up by slowly relaxing ass cheeks one after another.
6 декабря 2012г. всупил в силу закон о Едином Демографическом Реестре, обязывающих каждого гражданина Украины принять биометрические паспорта с RFID-чипами внутри. Видеоролик рассказывает об основных опасностях этого нововведения.