I’m very big fan of photography, and high quality photography. Somehow suddenly I found out not very interesting and not very comfortable quality of social networks (VKontakte, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter) and messenger apps (Viber, Whatsapp, Facebook Messenger).
Once I tried to share and receive photos from messengers and socnets from many people at once and put those photos in the consistent order I became very disappointed… That’s why here’s brief description of the experiment.

Крізь мокрий сніг, й ліхтар у ньому я бачу небо, я бачу втому, я бачу те, чого не знаю. Мабуть, я люблю. Чого ж чекаю? Щодня і щоночі від тебе втікаю. Боюся я правди, чесно признаю.

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