A Coach can make you an Olympic champion, but almost for sure you will die straight after.
Category: Personal
Coaching is an prospectless listening to the people who don’t give a shit and know shit in the area.
Everything required from teachers. But nobody wants from a teacher a perfect knowledge of taught subject. Is he a teacher then?
Як перекласти відоме і широко використовуване слово прив’язка? В англійській мові у буддійських текстах згадується слово ATTACHMENT або TO BE ATTACHED в значенні бути пов’язаним з кимось/чимось. Хорошим перекладом на українську є: ATTACHMENT – ПРИЄДНАННЯ TO BE ATTACHED – БУТИ…
Ми хотіли вчинити з вами, як "американці" з індіанцями. Ви не погодилися і кріпко набили нам морду. Які ж ви після цього "цивілізовані люди", яке взагалі маєте право на існування? (З теорії народофобії) Опубликовано с помощью приложения LiveJournal для WP7
To reach the same level of understanding, you would need to remember more than one of your past life.
Having espresso in the fine Kyiv club, you get into atmosphere of dark human external indifference to others. People pretend they are not interested in catching glances, pretend they hate touches, pretend that their effort-crazy personal events are funny and…
…and Chaos was the name of the Lord Creator. And Chaos was Lord’s Nature, Lord’s Essence. And Chaos Lord created the Space as the world known to us. And there’s no perfect regulating power other than Chaos. But Order was…
Benevolent intentions can drive you to grave…..
We should help each other. But why those