Today there’s heavy rain disruption warning in Krakow – up to 50 mm precipitation in 12 hours. Such day makes you just search for something tasty that fits the book you’re reading. I’m now in the middle of “Season of Storms” by Andrzej Sapkowski from “The Witcher” series, reading in original Polish (“Sezon Burz” Andrzeja Sapkowskiego z “Wiedzmina”). That’s why I need something stronger.

Accidentally I’ve found that. Irish whiskey Teeling, made in Dublin. I was surprised that I’d never seen it before. And suddenly there’s whiskey with label as in limited edition.
That’s true. It’s not Limited Edition in full sense, but only Small Batch with all attributes except bottle number.
It was surprising while navigating their web-site ( to find out its 230 year story, a bit neglected in the second half of 20 century, now it’s being restored.
The whiskey itself has very interesting taste. Despite 46 proof, the smell after bottle opening is pleasant, with some flavor of strong drink. As well despite it’s blend, Teeling is smooth and tasted light and tasteful.
I love more sweet or oak-tasted whiskey, that’s why I can suggest this whiskey to attention of vanilla lovers, rum aftertaste that appears because of Rum casks used for finishing, and quite low price of 116 Polish Zloty per 0.7 l (»30USD).
The softness of the drink itself, how it warms up, the first note, taste and aftertaste unambiguously made my evening lighter and funnier, as golden color of Teeling Small Batch Rum Cask Finish whiskey.
10 thoughts on “Krakow… Raining… Teeling Whiskey…”
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“…перша нота, смак і післясмак…” Краків..дощ.. Мммм! Там ще десь була книжка! Як сюжет?
Ірина, книга якраз теж про дощі, дощі, дощі…. І мутанта-відьмака, який бореться з всілякими нетривіальними жахітливими монстрами. За гроші, звичайно))))))
Wiedźmin. Sezon Burz
Прикольно )))
От що робить погода з людьми )
Я теж читаю щось цікаве та без віск
Здоровенькі були!)
можна потурбувати на вайбер 12 або 13.08.16р. не зі свого номера.?)
можеш залишити для мене пару капель отого, що прогріває, для дегустації, а я матиму для тебе ще, що в пяну вишню, Рошен розливає…) Маю прямі поставки)
Будеш в Кракові?
Teeling is not sold in USA. I like Glenlivit 15 year single malt.
Roman, I like #Glenlivet too, especially single malt and over 12 years.